Lets Heal

Trust the Universe has a Plan (6)

The 5 Biological Laws of Nature & Learning German New Medicine (GNM)

Whilst no-one agrees what ‘’C’ is it is my belief that it is a healing in process which is in line with the biological laws of nature and actually I have now witnessed this. It is a change that occurs in the psyche and brain (that can be picked up on a CT scan as concentric rings). It is a biological response to a specific shock or trauma which then plays out in the body.

German New Medicine (GNM) tells us the type of shock is specific to the part of the brain tissue affected and body part it simultaneously corresponds with. Everything (except accidents, poisonings and deficiencies) can be as occuring in line with the Biological Laws of Nature. Every ailment that happens in your body has first registered with the master gland, the brain and then it plays out in the body accordingly. This does not mean that we cannot help and support the body, we can and we should, and this is something I teach and practice.

If you are reading this because you have had a cancer diagnosis or other diagnosis, just consider if you may have suffered something shocking that caught you off guard prior to the symptoms and diagnosis. In fact it is more likely that you have at the point of diagnosis as in 90% of pathologies the symptoms occur at a time of healing, yes they actually occur when you have made peace or found some resolution with this particular shock or trauma. This is because the symptoms we perceive as the problem are not, they are the healing signs. It can get messy I am not suggesting it is straightforward but if you understand the bodily changes you may endure, and work with the right person, everything is possible. In fact I will go so far as to say it is always better to know this science ( for me this is the real science since it is what happens in nature and throughout the animal and plant kingdom) before you have issues occur.

My diagnosis was ductal breast cancer, and the biological programme corresponds to a ‘separation conflict’. In nature an animal suffers an issue with their milk ducts when their baby is taken from them/torn from the breast. When a baby is taken from the mother’s breast the ducts stop producing milk and ulcerate so any excess can be drained off as suckling is not needed. The programme although unnecessary for us still plays out. Hence when we suffer loss of a beloved person, pet or a shocking unexpected divorce or breakup with a partner or other, we too encounter shock. It can also be a feeling of ‘wanting to separate’ i.e., from a spouse or friend because of a betrayal, fighting or abuse or from the home (the nest). The way the body responds in the ‘Conflict Active’ phase is by ulceration of the ducts and widening them so drain off is easier since it is no longer needed due to separation. This ulceration goes unnoticed and it is only when the tissue loss is replenished via cell proliferation that the healing phase takes place and symptoms such as swellling, redness, heat, itching and lumps occur- but just remember the ‘tumours’/lumps are the healing!

Every day we heal, the circadian rhythms of our body mean this takes place at night, we rest and regenerate. ‘Cancer’ is a process of Mother Nature, her way of protecting you because she would never create a body that aims to destroy itself. That is not the well-grounded science that many of us follow anymore, it is not how we were set up and it is not our evolution.

I dislike the word ‘cancer’ as it depicts ‘death’. Nobody has a right to give somebody a prognosis that can be damaging and self-fulfilling. You are more than your body, you are also mind and soul, only you know these. It is time for a new world, we are still living in the dark age with allopathic medicine. Nature comes cheap and does not equate to big profits.

LESSON: There is a pathway that is right for you. The science of the future is mind-body and understanding these laws of nature is worthwhile.

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