As an advocate of body-mind connection (reinforced of late via GNM – see Understanding the Why!) I have trepidation around the NHS model for cancer treatment with its blasting of the body with chemicals and use of the same protocol for everyone. I had done enough research to know the effects both chemo and radiation can have on the body, and it is my view that we lose human-beings and loved ones more through diagnostics, fear, prognosis and ‘treatments’. Modern oncology has a lot of changing to do to be a go-to success strategy and it starts with the fact it is still using treatments that were used as enemy warfare in WW1. Little has moved forward in the ‘public’ sector since the 40’s but it is my belief that in the next decade we will see great change.
At best the like of chemo and radiation take us out of intense healing, reducing necessary inflammation caused by a tumour (healing takes place in a fluid environment). Sometimes it can alleviate the intense symptoms or reduce the lumps (which are part of the body’s healing phase as discussed in the previous post). However, in order to really heal ‘our whole’ we need to eliminate the causes that led to this and for this we need a deep dive into our personal situation. No problem is overcome by band-aiding it, it has to be addressed at source.
I found peace and affinity in the works of Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza, Louise Hay, Gabor Mate and others to understand the energetic body and Matt Khan, Alberto Villoldo, Nick, Polizzi, and Caroline Myss to understand the energetic-spiritual identity (see later post Bibliography & weblinks).
Since 2016 I have utilised many modalities to include orthodox, naturopathy, nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ayurveda, herbalism, homeopathy, shamanism, spirituality, reiki and quantum healing. They all have their worth. Some have worked for me more than others, but this is an individual process. Ultimately one thing is for sure, we do the healing; all these approaches aid and get the cogs in motion. There are overlaps and differences and I believe if the person feels they will help then they will have a better chance within that positive energy field. Positive thinking changes the charge of every cell and after all everything is energy! For more on that I recommend the works of Bruce Lipton, ‘Biology of Belief.’ I continued to heal but my real understanding of this science was fully tested from 2021. More on
LESSON: It is not the disease that matters it is the patient – Dr Edward Bach.