Lets Heal

The Elephant in the Room (8)

My understanding of the ‘Metastasis theory’

The nurse reminded us that there was an elephant in the room…..my liver mets. I wanted to remind her that this was her room and not mine! Actually strangely at a later date myself and this nurse really bonded, she shared with me her own truths when she too had encountered a brush with cancer herself in between me attending the London clinic. I don’t wish to betray anyone’s trust but I might say more at a later time.

Metastasis theory (MT) is possibly one of the most persevering dogmas in modern medicine. It states that such a process takes place when tumour cells of a primary cancer break away from the site and travel through the bloodstream or lymph to another organ and implant themselves there. Basically, a cell with a completely different structure like for instance a stomach cell travels through the blood (not affecting the blood I might add!) and parks itself in a different tissue layer and becomes a totally different cell which equates to cancer!

Advocates of German New Medicine (GNM) base their understandings on what is grounded in nature. It is not a treatment plan, but an age-old understanding regards the workings of the body and the healing processes. It makes little money unlike modern medicine. I do not believe it to be fool proof in the sense that wellness depends on many factors, i.e., how you aid your healing, mindset and of course how you manage the healing of these emotional conflicts (which is what imbalance is – an originator from the brain thought processes). Doing this when you are going through a huge painful process is not easy. I can vouch for that, but it is all doable and with a little intervention and mentoring along the way of various types you can get from A to B. I know this science to be extremely well researched and authenticated. It was for me a great underpinning, a saviour, and logical belief system.

Today in allopathic and also some holistic quarters it is assumed that cancer cells and microbes act against the human body, and that the body is waging a war on itself. Thankfully GNM is in existence despite attempts to crush its credibility.

I did already side with this logic since when I trained as a naturopathic nutritionist as it was part of the understanding of the human body and I will say it again and I know it won’t be the last time…….

The human body NEVER acts to destroy itself it is always self-preserving. The cancer is not the issue, it is the protector, a desperate bid perhaps to highlight and assist.

Dr Hamer, who founded GNM, was a cancer specialist and after losing his son in tragic circumstances and developing cancer (as did his wife) he discerned there was a link between their losses and their newly acquired health challenges. Hamer acquired testicular cancer – ‘existence conflict’ and his wife ductal breast cancer – ‘separation loss conflict’ after their son died some three months after nursing him.

Hamer understood from their experiences that something else was at work and there was certainly a link between their dire diagnoses and what they had experienced in their life. Hamer went onto make this science his life work. Through comparing thousands of patients’ brain CT scans with the patients’ medical records and personal histories he could identify the precise location in the brain where each cancer initiated. Anchored in embryology his research showed that all organisms respond to a ‘death fright’ conflict with lung cancer, an ‘indigestible morsel conflict’ with colon cancer and so forth. And the reason why all creatures respond to the same type of conflict first with the same brain area (and simultaneously with the same organ) can all be traced to one of three embryonic germ layers originating in the brain. This is why it speaks of ‘biological’ not psychological conflicts.

Do cancer cells move to different areas and cross the germ layer threshold?

Since all cancers derive from specific areas of the brain Hamer said under no circumstances are such cells able to metastasize to an organ/tissue controlled by a different unaffected brain relay, the cells are resolutely bound to the organ for which the brain has activated the specific biological program.

“Cancer is always part of a meaningful biological process and can no longer be considered disease, let alone a malignancy.”

Dr R G Hamer

GNM does not dispute the existence of secondary or multiple ‘cancers’ but they are not caused by spreading cells but by further shocks – and the average poor cancer patient has plenty of those! For example, a lung ‘cancer is linked to a ‘death-fright’ conflict – no surprise when you hear the words “You have three months to live Mrs Taylor,” or “it has spread to your liver and lungs or “we will give you palliative treatment going forwards.”

Instead of talking then about either powering in some chemicals to the subject’s body a CT scan without contrast would show the specific brain parts without exception that are related to the area that controls the lungs. At the moment the conflict impacts the brain, the alveoli lung cells in charge of oxygen multiply to allow the organism to breathe, these proliferated cells are what is termed ‘cancer’. This is a biological response and the whole of the animal kingdom experiences the same.

LESSON: To be armed is to be forewarned, read on GNM, join FB sites and find yourself a good therapist that speaks to you. Then work at uncovering EVERYTHING that would benefit from change in your life. And keep calm……..fear is not your currency!

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