What gets your goat?

Germs or rather a fear of them is quite ridiculous! Unfortunately, nowadays we are brought up to believe germs are only here to do harm, some silent Dark Vaders entering our bodies that need obliterating. But making them the enemy means we need to fix-them with pills, potions, vaccines, antibiotics, not to mention toxic cleaning products.
FACT: For every body cell we have 9 microbial ones! They are our helpers. They only come about when their help is needed to clear up the decay. So why are we making them into the bad guys?
In a healthy gut microbes make vitamins such as vital B vitamins and vitamin K. , they help in clearing up decomposition of cells (a bit like fungi on the rotting tree or forest floor) etc.
I used to think differently but as part of our nutritional and naturopathic training we had some talks by a leading UK virologist. We learned about Louis Pasteur (pasteurization) and how on his death bed he admitted that other biologists like Beauchamp were right, stating “it is not about the germ it is actually about the terrain.’ I suppose the ‘take home’ is your situation depends on how you look after your terrain – your body.
Real virology tells us that we cannot catch a virus and in fact so does German New Medicine which I also now follow and which has a place in my heart. So, if you cannot catch a virus, then what is it I am suffering with when I get cold, the flu etc? It is usually a detox of the body, a reset, the body cleaning out what it does not want. It could something in a specific location like high 5G radiation masts, a chemical company’s emissions, chem trails or such like.
Flu can be horrible, and I have been laid up with it like many people before feeling like death. However, I will probably only ‘catch’ your flu if I am subjected to the same things in my environment as you that caused the toxin overload. Or because my mind has been triggered by your illness and feels I am doomed and will catch something. Seeing is often believing and in this case we need to be mindful that our minds are actually very powerful. Every little thought we have has a resonance within our bodies, it actually has the ability to change our body’s chemistry! Look up the work of microbiologists such as Bruce Lipton for more on this.
Knowing you cannot catch a virus might not be the mantra of our western medical professions, but it does not stop it from being the logic of many other health modalities and of course there are many books on this subject to include a very interesting book called ‘Virus Mania’ by Torsten Engelbrecht.
Nowadays I apply the knowledge of German New Medicine. Apart from working out the specific conflict that caused our symptoms, GNM sees most pathogens in our bodies as our helpers not galactic invaders of which we are unlucky to encounter! Pathogens are necessary. We cannot live in a sterile environment. Research studies carried out on mice in a laboratory in vitro revealed they died very quickly since germs are necessary. Microbes are all around us all the time, we breathe them in and we breathe them out, they are natural.
SO, that gets my goat, MISINFORMATION, and let me tell you there is plenty of that around since it makes money. MICROBES or rather their reason for being. They are so often touted as the bad guys but without them we could not survive, we could not break down infections and disease.
LESSON: Just because police are found at a crime scene doesn’t mean they are guilty.