I was doing fine, having my regular breast thermal scan which I paid for as a healthier choice than a mammogram. However, I noticed my scans were always different. I would have a good rating (2 or 3) and then a higher rating of 4 or 5 (equating to suspicious). I reasoned it to daily living stresses (I will talk a little more about thermascans in the future). Fast forward to February 2021 and what had been scar tissue from my surgery was looking different. I eventually had this confirmed by my GP and was soon back into an institution I hated with consultants telling me they knew best what I needed, and it came in the usual package of chemo, radiotherapy or surgery.
As time progressed and under the understanding of the biological laws new conflicts ( skin conflicts relate to feeling disfigured) took place, I realised a mastectomy with reconstruction may be a good idea since my breast was disfigured from previous surgery, a new lump and skin issues including shingles and an open seeping wound. More about biological conflicts to come.
German New Medicine (GNM) and the 5 biological laws of nature sees the skin as a new program of its own, funnily known as a ‘disfigurement conflict.’ That made sense, I had felt disfigured since my first surgery/lumpectomy. I had gone to see a plastic surgeon on Harley Street in 2017 who had talked me out of reconstruction.
Daily changes of the breast along with daily pain in 2022/23 became routine. Using GNM I attempted to work out the reason for this ‘cancer’. One thing I will add here is, working out conflicts is not easy! And staying calm to heal is not. But GNM offers an understanding of which to work from that makes sense and is an extremely well researched science.
Conflict shocks are the first process and they always begin in the psyche/brain, they are seen as a moment in time where you feel thrown out of normality into unfamiliar territory. What was mine? Well second time around it could only be one thing. In February 2019 I experienced the shock of my life when I lost my beloved dad and hero shockingly and suddenly at the lunch table, for a meal we never ate.
Eighteen months later ‘cancer’ re-triggered. The symptoms, lumps and bumps have biological reasoning and are dependent on the programs but in 95% of cases the symptoms are part of the healing. We can perhaps understand this process more if we look at other ails -i.e., cut a leg: the healing is messy, it bleeds, forms a scab, is uncomfortable and that is how repair works. When I look back, I presume the program had never truly finished and so second time round it was the big whammy.
GNM point: All conflicts differ depending on the part of the brain that registers the shock and the type of shock. For instance as in my case – breast cancer of the ducts pertains to ‘separation loss’ conflict. Breast cancer of the glandular tissue however relates to a ‘nest worry’ conflict pertaining to loss or worry about your work/business or home.
All nature suffers in the same way, first is the biological shock/conflict, then the program and the healing. It’s nature’s response and defence mechanism. It’s the 5 biological laws of nature.