As soon as I heard my diagnosis I began alkalising and cleansing my body. This included salt baths, coffee enemas, adopting a clean diet etc (more in a later post). I knew that orthodox medicine gave no weight to the reasons for such occurrences or advice on how to strengthen the body. However, this is not my belief and I certainly believe there are no coincidences to illness and that to get and stay well change is generally needed.
I had believed that if I found myself in this position, I would heal my body holistically with nurturing intent. I knew cancer was merely the messenger and my body protecting itself from something else. I needed to understand what that may be. At this time, I tuned into a series by Ty Bollinger called ‘The truth about Cancer.’ Ty travelled the world meeting many specialists and survivors for answers. Additionally, I read regarding other people’s journeys and inspirational stories. I needed to surround myself with positivity and empowerment (see bibliography to come).
I did not want to set about my healing as though cancer were an enemy to eradicate it and blame it for being there as they do in orthodox protocol: ‘slash, poison and burn’. However, I did opt for a lumpectomy at this time as I believed it would give myself and my family some peace. I was however adamant I did not want chemicals, as poisoning my body would not be a good vantage point for healing and anyway what really was Cancer? There is no one agreed definition and I certainly do not align to the modern medical model’s definition.
I was going to have a voice. There is a saying that tough patients live. After all part of this conventional war, we wage is a race between destroying cancer and not the person. If we are going to take chemicals to heal, we must strengthen our bodies and immune systems, monitoring this carefully and not being unafraid to say when enough is enough.
NB: Cancer is not your body’s self-destruct mission; it is a messenger to alert you to your higher good.