Lets Heal

Bibliography & Weblinks

Mums not having chemo by Laura Bond

The cancer whisperer by Sophie Sabbage

Radical Remission by Dr Kelly

A time to heal by Beata Bishop

Books with science and physiology protocols:

The New Medicine by Dr Patrick Kingsley

Oestrogen the killer in our midst by Chris Wollams

Biology of belief by Bruce Lipton

Books with mind-body connection

The Journey by Brandon Bay

OneO by Cornelius Christopher

The body says no by Gabor Mate

Books on energetic science connection

The anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss

The Quantum wellness & Molecules of Emotion by Dr Candice Pert

The energy codes by Dr Sue Morter

Spiritual books

The Universe always has a plan by Matt Kahn

The healing journey by Matthew Manning

Dark nights of the soul by Thomas Moore

The untethered soul by Michael Singer

The surrender experiment by Michael Singer


Spiritual books

The secret letters of the man who sold his Ferrari by R Sharma

The things you can only see when you slow down by Haemin Sunim

The sacred science: An ancient healing path for the modern world by Nick Polizzi

The Tibetan book of living and dying by Sogyal Rinpoche

Prakriti: your Ayurvedic constitution by Robert Svoboda

German New Medicine

Chemotherapy no thanks! The miracle of my healing from cancer, metastasises and paralysis by Inka Sattler

Terminal cancer is a misdiagnosis by Danny Carroll

Hamer by Mark Hanley

Self-help & Enlightening

Letting Go by David Hawkins

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

You can heal your life by Louise Hay

Shaman, Healer, sage: how to heal yourself and others by Alberto Villoldo

Change your thoughts change your life by Wayne Dyer

The gift-: 12 Lessons that will save your life by Edith Eger

GNM weblinks:


Caroline Markolin on YouTube

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