Modern living has taken us away from our belief in mother nature.

I was trained as a naturopathic nutritionist, and my motto, in fact mottos were like many before and after me: ‘nature makes no mistakes’, ‘give your body the right conditions for healing’, ‘you are always in healing’ and ‘it’s a marathon not a sprint.’ All of these were heralded when I trained and have been my mantras ever since. Never more than in the last few years.
I realised that German New Medicine is grounded in the 5 biological laws of nature and this made more sense to me than what the medical profession were telling me – i.e. I had a disease, I needed to blast it with chemicals, and it needed dealing with immediately despite being told it takes a long time to form, maybe years. And my favourite, ‘it may spread’, ‘oh wait it did spread’ – to my lymph and liver so now I’m given the branding of metastatic and the word palliative creeps in. But let me tell you straight, the reason you get these words is because in their vocabulary there is nothing more THEY can do once they have done, chemicals, operation and tablets. And so it is time to tell you that now we can only manage the symptoms! Did I mention they were one trip ponies……
Well, that was a some years ago. In holistic health the lymph is expected to be affected since our lymphatic systems are our second circulatory systems, they take away the toxins and help detoxify us. It made sense therefore that my lymph was affected and that this is the case with a high percentage of others that undergo such diagnoses. And how does the medical system deal with ‘so-called infected lymph’ – that is right, they chop it out! In fact when they do a mastectomy they take all the neighbouring lymph nodes under the arm away. In my book not only does this then hinder the person’s chances of detoxifying ‘cancer’ cells and toxins but if this really were the problem then surely further metastasis is going to occur at the site of the problem? Well if in fact this is a ‘spreading’ problem per se if you get my drift!
German New Medicine has another take which again made sense to me. Rather than metastases it sees involvement in different body parts as separate conflicts. The lymph programme is one of ‘devaluation’ of ourselves. Usually in the area of the ‘cancer’ diagnosis it is seen a devaluing of that area, i.e. feeling not good enough for a disfigurement of the breast for instance.
So now I had received the wonderful news that my liver was also involved and it was delivered to me by ‘my’ NHS consultant with about as much compassion as a snake circling its victim and almost as though I were receiving news that I had a minor ear infection. Of course, they believe it is a major concern so why they can deliver news so coldly I will never know. I actually wonder whether the consultant had a little bit of pleasure from it (or was high from the gas and air he had given his last patient) since I was not your average, easy patient and maybe he knew me enough to know I was not aligned with their rhetoric. In orthodox language however, liver involvement means you are in the ‘death seat’ and you get branded with harmful words such as ‘palliative’ and ‘manage the symptoms’ and I am not happy that patients are given such fear mongering opinions as they have been kicked down and made to feel their bodies are deceiving them and at the same time such new conflict shocks are now highly probable, leading to further organ involvement. Not metastasis but new conflict shocks they have created for you!
At a point in my journey when I had resigned myself to having chemo because I just wanted to get this breast dealt with and get on with my life the hankers were put on it. I was ready for this step because I believed that with all my holistic knowledge and nutritional support I would manage it as best I could. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately in hindsight), due to liver involvement I was classified ‘systemic’ and ‘they’ were not going to treat me any more for the breast. I think the next step was to see a different doc within the NHS who would ‘treat’ the liver. I am guessing treating the main detoxifying unit of the body with harsh chemicals was going to be the plan – I never got that far though. It was time to change track.
Giving a person such a frightening diagnosis is usually when a heck of a lot more fear enters your consciousness, and you know what fear does? It stops you from healing because now you are in full adrenal burnout and adrenaline is being pumped through your body along with cortisol night and day. And this is also when new conflicts can set in!
Dr Hamer’s research and others is that cancer cells are no different from any other cell, in fact we all have them in our bodies (since they are only cells not some sort of alien weird slime) and actually the only thing that differentiates them from other cells is the speed of growth. Perhaps if you have been through such a diagnosis like me you have wanted to see these invader cells under a microscope as I have. Did you get to see them, or did you ask and what did they say? I never got to see them despite asking. And ladies and gentlemen growth of cells it seems is the difference between you being diagnosed as ‘benign’ or ‘malignant’ – that is the only difference.
But people die from malignant cancer I hear you say. Do they? They do not in my opinion, people die from fear, people die from further conflict shocks and lack of being able to make peace with them, people die from harmful radiation diagnostics, people die from the shocking ‘treatments’ that are doled out i.e., chemotherapy and radiation, people die from cachexia – protein loss when they are unable to eat in the later stages.
NB: In order to be offered a ‘solution’ you need to be diagnosed. Making lumps and bumps the ‘traitors’ allows modern medicine to get involved. We need to work on relaxing (which allows healing) and let mother nature do her thing. Oh and maybe read a book or two on wellbeing or whatever calls to you – check out my bibliography to come later. Remember nothing is indiscriminatory, there is a reason for everything.