Lets Heal

Patsy’s Breast Cancer Story (11)

Healing Without Medical Intervention

When I was going through my darker days with breast cancer and was following the 5 biological laws of nature it was hard at times to see an end in sight – disfiguration, pain, skin issues, an open weeping wound. Where was the hope?

I had sessions with two GNM practitioners, and they could tell me this was expected, it was part of the healing process actually also ‘hanging healing’ (when your body is in healing, but you get triggered and take a step back). New conflicts can be a reason for this, and I certainly had these. This is one of the hardest things – not to get new conflicts, otherwise known in conventional medicine as metastases. And then if you do, which I did, to stay calm and not let the monkey mind run away with you. Near to impossible when you have pain as it is a constant reminder and I will come on to that later but under these conditions it needs managing somehow.

It had to be helpful to learn how other women whom had been my position held steady, managed it and pushed through. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to share their story, but there was one woman that was part of my guiding light here. Learn about her story, shocks, progression and difficulties through her words and her narration through breast cancer.

There needs to be more women like Patsy but please follow her blog and see how she trusted the process like myself and came through her breast cancer and is now living her best life in the US on her farm.

Read Patsy’s story

https://patsyholden.wordpress.com/ – It outlines her story of ‘Healing a breast tumour at home without oncology.

Lesson: Learn from those that have walked the road and are well. Listen, learn and make decisions with your voice that feel right for you.

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