November 2016 – I had thought perhaps I had felt a small lump which my doctor confirmed to be the case. Knowing what I now know, I would have reacted differently but ultimately, I do not know how it would have played out. The progression and journey were going to be big since I believe this to be a soul journey more than a physical one.
I was rallied down a road of conventional medicine. Against my better judgement I got a biopsy in order to help my oncologist. Even though putting a needle into an area of protection (a tumour creates a protein around itself for protection) in the possibility it could spread was not a choice I’d have personally made.
As a believer in the power of the body I took advice from those with similar understandings and a good piece of advice I received was ‘take time to ground yourself from the fear and do not rush into anything. Despite grounding, a month later in December 2016 I was scheduled for a lumpectomy, it seemed the best course of action at the time.
I learned my surgeon took away 20 lymph nodes despite the sentinel node being clear, and no other nodes involved. Apparently a ‘precautionary’ and as a consequence of lack of nodes my lymph fluid collected under my left arm on a handful of occasions, and I had to go to the local hospital to get the tennis ball size swellings drained away. It seems testament to my beliefs I am still here and well (albeit with a disfigured breast) eight years later when the average cancer patient dies within five years! Not great stats for an industry (oops I mean medical profession) centred on finding cures and investing billions. We are no further on with longevity either in the so-called ‘race for cancer.’
LESSON: Slow down and make decisions that are right for you based on knowledge